[QD] Reloaded

Ran out of pages on my sketch pad, and went to a new one. As mentioned previously, I have a few doodles that I haven’t uploaded (because of various reasons). Will try to link the reference pics here

I still think I have ways to go, but I’m kinda happy of my progress. They’re not my best work, since I think I can do better. But seeing this compared to my old doodles (from over 2yrs ago) makes me feel that eventually I can make illustrations that are good enough for my stories.

[EVT] ToyconPH 2015

SM Megamall hosted ToyconPH 2015 last June 19 to 21. The event was pretty fun as I was able to see so many cool collectibles (in the exhibit) while trying to stop myself from buying stuff on impulse. Yeah, they really had a lot of great deals, some are really hard to pass up.

Didn’t get anything this year, a few financial hiccups at home stalled most of my planned expenditures this year 😦

[QD] Casual Clothes and Musings

Been in the slumps lately. Kept having these strange dreams lately, while these heavy rains at the start of the weekdays woke me up too early. I don’t consider myself a light sleeper but I always wake up instantly on the sound of rain battering down on the roof. See, I live in the flood prone area of Valenzuela. Bought a new sketchpad because I’m on my last page. This is drawn from one of Valxionia’s casual pics (link here). Check her page out, I really like her Ruby cosplays XD image I have a few more doodles on my sktechpad but they’re practices, while some ended up not up to what I see is good (or more like, I know that I can do better)

[QD] Oddities

A quick sketch from one of the cool cosplay pics I found in FB (will link it here later, as usual). The strange part about this is that I started off w/ the eyes, even detailing them, before even starting on the rest of the face/head.

I dunno, I’m kinda glad that this turned out better than most of my old doodles where I started the same way. XD


June is strangely eventful in that I have plans for Toycon, and there is LiSA’s visit. Probably more reasons for me to set aside my vija gaem weekends.

Thing is, my backlog isn’t getting smaller XD

[QD] Lines and Bending

A quick doodle again today after going through Tomia’s new photosets (link here). I picked this because the pose was interesting to picture. The shoes need a little work, of course.


Got me an OTG (on the go) cable for my phone. It allows me to plug in usb devices to my phone. I actually have an extra keyboard here at work to let me use it. Because the office net blocks blogging sites (like wp), I wasn’t able to continue with a lot of my write-ups. Spent a lot of time today ironing out a lot of drafts and have someone proof read them later on.